Il post precedente è stato dedicato ad un tour nella cultura Lanna organizzato da una eccellente guida: North's Chiang Mai. Dopo quella bellissima esperienza ho voluto fare anche il tour denominato Chiang Mai History Museums Tour e ovviamente ne è valsa davvero la pena.

Non potrei riuscire a sintetizzare tutta la storia di Chiang Mai e del regno Lanna, posso assicurarvi che il racconto che ne fa North coinvolge appieno. Quando di fronte al plastico della città vi illustrerà la mappa di Chiang Mai secondo i principi della Vastu Shastra finirete col guardare con occhi diversi le strade e le piazze che percorrerete con la prossima passeggiata.
Infine una delle conseguenze di questo tour è stata la spinta all'acquisto del testo "Brief History of Lan Na: Northern Thailand from Past to Present" di Hans Penth, che sto leggendo con grande interesse.
The previous post was dedicated to a tour in the Lanna culture organised by an excellent guide: North's Chiang Mai. After that wonderful experience I also wanted to do the Chiang Mai History Museums Tour and of course it was really worth it. North took us through the museum's proposed tour using the various multimedia installations. Our guide passionately recounted the different steps that led to the founding of Chiang Mai and the Lanna kingdom. We could say that there was not once one king...but there were three! In fact, it is known that Chiang Mai was founded by King Mang Rai on 12 April 1296, it was a Thursday, and the king of Sukhotai, Phaya Ruang and the king of Phayao, Phaya Ngam Muang were present at the foundation. It is no coincidence that Chiang Mai's main square is dedicated to the three kings, dominated by the monument that represents them all together. I could not manage to summarise the entire history of Chiang Mai and the Lanna kingdom, but I can assure you that North's account of it is fully engaging. When she shows you the map of Chiang Mai according to the principles of the Vastu Shastra in front of the city model, you will end up looking at the streets and squares with different eyes on your next walk.
Finally, one of the consequences of this tour was the urge to buy the text ‘Brief History of Lan Na: Northern Thailand from Past to Present’ by Hans Penth, which I am reading with great interest.